Registration: N7621E
Serial Number: 24-2168
Airframe (5440 hours):
- LoPresti Wholley Cowl speed front cowling
- LoPresti tail mass balance kit
- K2U Aerilon gap seals
- K2U Wing root fairings
- K2U Wing fillets
- K2U Arapaho 1-piece windshield
- K2U windshield cowler
- K2U Arapaho dorsal fin (COM antennas installed inside the dorsal!)
- Osborne tip tanks (90 gallons total fuel)
- Precise Flight Speed brakes
- Whelen wing tip, belly and tail strobes
- Webco Cherokee door latch kit
- Main gear speed spats
- Aileron and flap gap seals
- 500 SMOH (Mattituck)
- 260 dual exhaust
- McCauley Black Mac 3 blade, 500 SMOH.
- Polished spinner
- STEC 60-2 AP w/alt. hold, preselect, elec. trim, VS, etc.
- NSD-360 HSI, slaved & coupled (recently overhauled)
- King KN53 Nav
- King KN64 DME
- King TXPR Mode C
- Garmin 340 audio panel
- Garmin 250XL GPS/Comm
- Narco 810 Comm
- JPI 450 fuel scan
- WX-11 stormscope (not gyro-stabilized)
Additional Equipment:
- Precise Flight standby vacuum
- EI SmartScanner 6 cyl. EGT with carb temp and digital OAT
- Light weight starter
- SafeHeet oil heater
- New dry vacuum pump
- Alternator conversion
- Avionics master
- Digital clock
- GPS/VOR switching unit
- Pilot side toe brakes
- Yoke mounted electric trim
- Front seat over the shoulder harneseses (inertial reel pilot side)
- PTT both sides
- 4 plc. intercom
- Ram horn yokes
- Bogert battery box and copper cables
- Bruce's Custom cover with custom cowl plugs (N-numbered)
- TAS inidicator
- Imron paint April 2002 (Keyson Airways), completely stripped, white over metallic blue.
- Always hangered
- New weight & balance :
- 3000 lbs. gross weight (tip tank STC)
- 1064 lbs. useful load
- Interior is OK. Probably rate it a 6+ to a 7 only. Interior pastic window trim is in poor condition, but good headliner
and very nice burgundy leather Seneca style front seats. Seats have space age heat sensitive foam padding, softens with body
heat to conform to your body. Side panels are navy blue carpet on the bottom, a mix of burgundy leather and navy blue and
burgundy wool fabric.
- Space age foam sound insulation added to entire cabin
Inspection status:
All AD's complied
Some damage history
Price: $105,000.00 USD